The perfect cup. Amazing beans and espresso machines.

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If you're looking for a fast and easy way to make delicious coffee, consider the Nespresso line of coffee makers and capsules for a simple, hassle-free coffee ritual. At, you'll find an assortment of espresso machines, capsules, milk frothers and more to brew the perfect cup day in and day out.

Espresso machines

Nespresso produces a variety of coffee and espresso machines, including compact models for those with limited counter space and bundles with milk frothers for fans of cappuccinos and lattes. They're designed to work seamlessly with Nespresso capsules, and some models include barcode scanners to scan the tops of the capsules and tailor the brewing process to specific blends. Whether you're a fine of small, intense shots of espresso or larger pours, Nespresso coffee makers offer a variety of settings to create the single-serve beverage of your choice.

Coffee Capsules

Nespresso offers a wide range of coffee capsules to suit your preference, and they include helpful information like the coffee's country of origin, level of intensity and tasting notes, so you can find the right blend for you. After the introduction of VertuoLine capsules, the original-size Nespresso capsules have been branded to OriginalLine. OriginalLine capsules provide a 40-ml espresso shot or a 110-ml lungo ("long") pour. VertuoLine capsules are designed to satisfy Americans' demand for larger cups of coffee and can provide up to 414 ml (14 oz) of coffee.

Milk Frothers

Milk frothers are a necessity if you're looking to enjoy a cappuccino or latte. Frothers produce hot and cold milk froth for cappuccinos, and hot milk for lattes.